Genetic Testing

Planning a Healthy Future with Genetic Testing

Get peace of mind and reduce the risk of passing on genetic disorders to your children, all from one simple blood draw, with no fasting required.

What is Genetic Testing?

Genetic testing, also known as reproductive carrier screening, is a simple and affordable blood test that can help you and your partner make informed decisions about starting a family.

Genetic testing helps identify whether you or your partner carry genetic mutations that can increase the risk of inherited conditions or genetic disorders, allowing you to reduce the chances of passing on these conditions to your children.

Who is Genetic Testing suitable for?

Genetic testing is recommended for all couples planning to conceive or who are already expecting. Genetic testing performed before conceiving can allow couples to have additional options for family planning.

Some hereditary genetic disorders are ‘recessive’, meaning a couple could have a copy of the same mutation for the same disorder without exhibiting any symptoms. When a couple with such mutations decides to have children, there is a 25% chance that their child will inherit the disorder.

At Thomson Fertility Centre, couples can take GeneAware™, a reproductive carrier screening test that analyses a couple’s DNA to help them understand the risk of having a child with a hereditary disorder.

What do the Genetic Tests include?

GeneAware™ – Female: A reproductive carrier screen from Baylor Genetics for a comprehensive 421 gene panel that identifies autosomal and X-linked recessive conditions across 421 disorders based on a blood sample.

GeneAware™ – Male: A reproductive carrier screen from Baylor Genetics for a comprehensive 381 gene panel that identifies autosomal and X-linked recessive conditions across 381 disorders based on a blood sample.

Prenatal screening identifies underlying structural issues with your reproductive organs (womb, tubes and ovaries) or medical conditions that may affect your fertility or future pregnancy. These problems can then be treated to improve fertility or pregnancy outcomes.

Genetic testing, on the other hand, identifies whether you or your partner carry genetic mutations that can increase your risk of passing on genetic disorders to your children. There is no treatment for these genetic mutations. If you are found to carry certain genetic mutations that pose a risk, you may receive counselling and be offered IVF with embryo screening to exclude the specific genetic disorder, or amniocentesis (waterbag testing) during pregnancy to detect if the foetus is affected by the genetic mutation.

The only genetic disease that is routinely screened for during prenatal screening is thalassemia. If prenatal screening raises suspicion that you might be a carrier, you would then be offered genetic testing to confirm whether you carry the genetic mutations associated with thalassemia.

Genetic testing screens for variations in 400+ genes known to be associated with genetic disorders, including congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), autosomal recessive deafness, cystic fibrosis, beta-thalassemia, and more.

Genetic testing involves a blood test for both you and your partner.

Prenatal screening includes an ultrasound evaluation of the pelvis and a blood test for the woman, along with a semen analysis for the male partner.

If you and your partner have high risks for certain genetic disorders, our fertility specialists will refer both of you for a genetic counselling session.

Yes, one genetic testing is sufficient and there is no need for a retest, even for subsequent pregnancies.

The cost of the GeneAware™ genetic testing blood test at Thomson Fertility Centre is $1,199 for an individual and $1,744 for a couple. Prices include GST.

It usually takes around 14 working days for the results to be ready. Results will first be reviewed by our fertility specialists before a session can be arranged with you for discussion.

Benefits of Genetic Testing

of Mind

By knowing your carrier status, you can have peace of mind that you are doing what you can to protect the health of your future children.

Increased Chances of Having Healthy Children

By identifying your risks of inherited conditions or genetic disorders, you can make informed decisions about family planning that increase the chances of having healthy children.

Comprehensive Genetic Screening

Screens for variations in 400+ genes known to be associated with genetic disorders, such as congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), autosomal recessive deafness, cystic fibrosis, beta-thalassemia, and more. 


Prenatal screening identifies underlying structural issues with your reproductive organs (womb, tubes and ovaries) or medical conditions that may affect your fertility or future pregnancy. These problems can then be treated to improve fertility or pregnancy outcomes.

Genetic testing, on the other hand, identifies whether you or your partner carry genetic mutations that can increase your risk of passing on genetic disorders to your children. There is no treatment for these genetic mutations. If you are found to carry certain genetic mutations that pose a risk, you may receive counselling and be offered IVF with embryo screening to exclude the specific genetic disorder, or amniocentesis (waterbag testing) during pregnancy to detect if the foetus is affected by the genetic mutation.

The only genetic disease that is routinely screened for during prenatal screening is thalassemia. If prenatal screening raises suspicion that you might be a carrier, you would then be offered genetic testing to confirm whether you carry the genetic mutations associated with thalassemia.

Genetic testing screens for variations in 400+ genes known to be associated with genetic disorders, including congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), autosomal recessive deafness, cystic fibrosis, beta-thalassemia, and more.

Genetic testing involves a blood test for both you and your partner.

Prenatal screening includes an ultrasound evaluation of the pelvis and a blood test for the woman, along with a semen analysis for the male partner.

If you and your partner have high risks for certain genetic disorders, our fertility specialists will refer both of you for a genetic counselling session.

Yes, one genetic testing is sufficient and there is no need for a retest, even for subsequent pregnancies.

The cost of the GeneAware™ genetic testing blood test at Thomson Fertility Centre is $1,199 for an individual and $1,744 for a couple. Prices include GST.

It usually takes around 14 working days for the results to be ready. Results will first be reviewed by our fertility specialists before a session can be arranged with you for discussion.

Make Informed Decisions About Family Planning with Genetic Testing

Interested in learning more about how genetic testing can support your reproductive and family planning journey? Schedule an appointment with one of our fertility specialists to discover more.