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Intrauterine insemination, or IUI in short, is a fertility treatment that involves placing your partner’s processed sperm sample inside your uterus, closer to the time of ovulation to facilitate fertilisation. This procedure can be performed during a natural ovulation or assisted with hormone stimulation, Super Ovulation with IUI (SO-IUI). The goal is to isolate and concentrate the number of motile sperm and to shorten the distance for them to reach the egg resting in the fallopian tube and subsequently increase the chances of fertilisation.

IUI may help couples who are diagnosed with:

  • Unexplained infertility
  • Moderate low sperm count and moderate low number of motile sperm
  • Hostile cervical conditions (including cervical mucus problems)
  • Cervical scar tissue from past procedure which may hinder the sperms’ ability to enter the uterus
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Non-consummation

IUI is a less invasive and less expensive option. 

If you think you may be interested in IUI, speak to your doctor to discuss your options.

Process of IUI

  1. The IUI procedure starts by monitoring the woman’s cycle to determine the day of ovulation 
  2. Once the follicle is mature, ovulation either occurs naturally or is triggered by an injection of a stimulation drug.
  3. Husband submits semen sample which is washed in the lab to isolate and contrite good motile sperm.
  4. Finally, the processed sperm is injected directly into the uterine cavity using a catheter closer to the time of ovulation, generally within 24 hours of ovulation. 

IUI Success Rate

The success rate after IUI varies from 15% to 20% depending on various factors such as the age of a woman, cause, and duration of infertility, etc.

What if IUI has failed? 

Since IUI is a much simpler and less invasive procedure than an IVF cycle, it can be a good first option for fertility treatment with a reasonable success rate. However, if you have had three or more unsuccessful attempts with IUI, or if you are aged 35 or over, you are more likely to have a greater chance of success with IVF.

What are the risks of IUI?

Although IUI is a simpler procedure, there are some risks involved in it. A low risk of infection may occur after IUI. The risk of multiple pregnancies is also present when 3-4 eggs develop when hormones are used in SO-IUI. You may be counselled to undergo IVF if more eggs develop due to SO-IUI.

What is the cost of IUI?

As the cost may vary depending on whether hormones are used or not, you may contact our center for charges involved.

Who are not suitable for IUI?

  • Woman with disease of the fallopian tube
  • Male partner with severe low count and motile sperm


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